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john, kim and lucy's blog.
currently dead.
but enjoy it anyways
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

see if you can see which one is me :L
-kim (:
Just when will it stop?
Why is history always so repetitive? For once, just once, can't things go a little differently, be a little more innovational, and conclude a little more fairly? Maybe it was all set up. A trap. Yes definitely a trap. The same trap every time. Damn. Should've known. I'd really appreciate a warning next time. Give me a hint. A sign. I've never been too fond of surprises. So is that it for now? Do I get my annual retrospection break? And meanwhile, maybe you could tell me what's in store next. I do believe I've had quite enough, yah?
Missy Junk
"Wow you brought all junk."
- Sumiyya, who caught me at woolies.

For this last week I am going to eat all the junk I can, then go on a no-sugar diet for the holidays buahaha... I feel sick already. A shout to kimmy, lynniee & meryem; I MISS YOU GUYS so, very, badly :( See the grey sky above? It's the representation of just how miserable Lucy is without youse... man I hate this weather. Did you hear the forecast? So kindly it's going to be rainy/stormy/WET allllllllllllllllll week. Adding to my misery also; ONE tumblr page is taking TEN minutes to load. Yusss I'm capped, and not happy. 
dull. not just a little. i'd say a lot. the walls are all this yellow-y colour with a touch of grey. wouldn't you call it dull. it's like the typical view of an office. pretty dull... and quiet. all you hear is people typing away. i actually like the sound of keys going 'tap tap tap' but sometimes it can get ... nyaaaaa i'm so bored D:
Monday, November 29, 2010
the results of banh mi thit and curry.
(8) she's my ipod I got her on replay
i love the way she lies and she just makes me wanna say
the dj got us falling in love
we're like dynamite and I just cant get enough

once upon a time, there was a mouse. It was not an ordinary mouse. In fact, it was a *drumrolls* ... special mouse! It can fly and eat banh me thit. Not just ordinary banh mi thit, SPECIAL banh mi thit! The kind that makes you wanna fly. Fly up, up HIGH! Over trees, hills and mountains. SUch a view. Across lakes, rivers and oceans. anyways, let's move on.

This mouse is named SUPERmouse. Like superman, but a mouse. He could do many things; like fly and eat banh mi thit. Now what's so special about eating banh mi thit? This banh mi thit makes you wanna fly! It is not easy overcoming the art of eating banh mi thit. It takes much training and concentration. So our little SUPERmouse has travelled all around the world, trying all sorts of speical banh mi thit. He met a dog named John Dang Trinh Nguyen in India. John DAng Trinh Nguyen was a BIIIIIIIIG fan of curry. He tried India's most spiciest curry and the result? Not good. He died.

SUPERmouse spent many years mourning over the death of John Dang Trinh Nguyen. He shed many litres of tears that one day he created a lake. He called it, SUPERmouse's Lake Of Tears Mourning Over The Death Of John Dang Trinh Nguyen, The Dog That Loved Curry But Died Eating Hot Curry When He Went To India To Try The Many Different Kinds Of Curry.

Many animals visited SUPERmouse's Lake Of Tears Mourning Over The Death Of John Dang Trinh Nguyen, The Dog That Loved Curry But Died Eating Hot Curry When He Went To India To Try The Many Different Kinds Of Curry to admire such a creation. SUPERmouse one day ate the most spiciest Banh Mi Thit he ever tasted in his whole life (which consisted of only 3 months). THe result? Not good. He died.

The Banh Mi Thit allowed his soul to fly so high into the sky, where he met the spirit of John Dang Trinh Nguyen. THere they lived happily ever after. BUT WAIT THERE's MORE!

but that is to be continued another day..

kim && lynniee (:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
dude, ALL OUR POSTS ARE 100% GENUINE. especially those posts that received complaints. what's your freaking problem anyway? geebus --'
one republic - Secrets
I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kind of boring
Need something that i can confess

Till all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no, I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
I'm sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time
Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm Gonna give all my secrets away

I am obsessed.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Last Day of Work Experience
I'm going to miss work experience...for so many reasons hehehe. Today we helped with the christmas decorations :). FAROUT I GOT PETTED ON THE HEAD AND WAS CALLED CUTE BY TWO CHICKS...hehe im flattered =] We got a certificate at the end...which had like 6 words? 4 words were names and 2 was work and experience ==. How bs. LOL can't talk about anything else, BYE PEOPLES!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
We have received a DMCA complaint for your blog, JKL.. An e-mail with the details of the complaint was sent to you on Nov 20, 2010 , and we reset the post status to "Draft"; you can edit it here. You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed. If you believe you have the rights to post this content, you can file a counter-claim with us. For more on our DMCA policy, please click here. Thank you for your prompt attention.

that post was enitrely genunine for petes sake!
Friday, November 19, 2010
change...for the better
sure things may not go back to the way they were before. it's never happened. but it doesn't mean that nothing good will ever happen again, cause surely after all this there's bound to be something good that will come out of it. sitting around and waiting won't change anything that's for sure.
Hello Goodbye
I should be happy now. Though I feel so empty. I knew it would be complicated but...not this complicated. Life will always be complicated but there's got to be a limit. I'm tired of all the drama, all the secrets and all the lies. I don't want to be happy with a tinge of sad. I just want my own story to have a happy chapter, one I can look back on and just smile.
Because it isn't going to happen.

Why does history repeat itself when we’re suppose to learn from our mistakes? Why do you have to keep fighting for something and then lose it to fight for it again without a second’s notice.

- http://looksaredeceiving.tumblr.com/

I guess I've given up. The chances of things going back to the way they were is beyond impossible. The spark of light, I just don't see it. There's no use in trying anymore. Though even as I repeatedly say this to myself, I'm left grasping every possible distraction around me that would keep me from thinking. Cus I know I'm going to regret it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
empty ... (or isert)
Just another result of boredom (:
boredom = lameness

haaaaaiii  \(^o^)/ ~
mai name is kim ^.^
huuuu r u?
i lik eating
i <3 riiiiceeeesuuu~
it so niceesuu ~~~
i noe how to type in the mandarinn \\(^o^)//
ni hao ma? wo de ming zhi shi Kim ~
wo shi aodalia ren. wo can count in mando.
yi er san si wu liu qi ba jiu shi
now i will sing ^^
cause I Believe na xing fu bu mie de ding lü
zai ni shou xin hui you shei gei ni de mei li
jing zhe heng jing jiu rang wo de xin an jing di shou zhe ni
zhu fu bu yong hui yin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i kan type in mandarin too ^^

Cause i believe 那幸福不滅的定律
在你手心 會有誰誰給你的美麗
緊張痕跡 就讓我的心安靜地守著妳

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
our blog

after seeing the two year anniversary post on christina && lien's blog I started wondering how this blog has existed for. turns out our blog is a little bit more than one year old :o

we started on the ninth, september, two thousand and nine. that's right. nine-nine-ohnine. 9909. NINE !

reminds me of the nine tailed fox thingy from naruto

that thing ------------------------>

kim (:
You are ridiculous.
Seriously? You are such an ass right now. Yea you're in a bad place, yea you've lost all your motivation to do anything, whatever, I GET that. But that doesn't give you a merit to lash out at innocent people, and I LITERALLY mean innocent people who have done nothing at all to you. The next time you do that to someone, especially that same person, I will tell you off bad.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
what's there to blog about? i have nothing to blog about AHAHAH :L
kim (:
The people you believed would always be there turn out to be first to leave you. Those you never once thought of talking to in the end wind up as your closest friends. And the person you once considered important, that your life couldn't be without, in the end turn out to be the most needless. Frankly, everything in life is trivial untill you take it seriously.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
which on is it?
feel the heat. feel it. open the window, hoping for some cool air but only receive a gush of hotness blow on your face. the heat. it's either that or something else. so which one is it? what else could there be?

am i sad? i don't know. i'm just thinking. just because i'm not smiling, it doesn't mean i'm sad right? i'm just thinking.

'what's the matter?'
'yeah right...'

no seriously, there's nothing wrong. i'm just neutral. i can't be bothered wasting my energy on thinking of anything.

'why do you always walk away from me?'

i can't always stay there you know. i'm not your pet dog. i'm not that loyal. you can't expect me to always be around you. i never was from the beginning anyway.

'you're such a(n) ____, nah joking. don't be offended'

yeah, i get that a lot. don't worry about offending me. won't take it. why bother wasting my energy.

'you haven't been yourself lately'

this is true. but then what is myself ? what is my true self? what is my personality? is it really that one that everyone tells me? i'd like to think it was. i wish it was like that. but really, it's quite the opposite.

'haven't talked to you for quite a while'

well guess what? you're not the only one. i haven't talked to anyone since the year of two thousand and nine. so don't worry, you're not alone.
Urban dictionary is so biased, faulty and so dumb.

1. Repeatedly saying something over and over, or rather whining about it, therefore destroying the point you were trying to make and making you look like a complete bitch because no one is listening to you.

2. When a person doesn't want help with a problem, but must tell you about it at length, since usually the litany comes from the female of the species, it's called bitching.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Somebody's Me
You, do you remember me?
Like I remember you?
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time?

'Cause I, I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own
And everyone can see that I really fell
And I'm going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe, without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me, that somebody's me, yeah

How, how did we go wrong?
It was so good and now it's gone
And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross
And what we hide isn't lost
'Cause you're always right here in my thoughts

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe, without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me, oh, yeah

You will always be in my life even if I'm not in your life
'Cause you're in my memory
You, will you remember me?
And before you set me free, oh, listen please

Somebody wants you, somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe, without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that someday you will see
Somebody's me, that somebody's me
That somebody's me, that somebody's me, oh, yeah
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Me. You. People.
I don't know what it is about you but you annoy me. I find myself missing you both in your absense and your pretense. I like you. I love you. You're the only one who can make me happy right now. I swear i knew you'd come one day. I don't like you. You're a theif. I thought nothing would ever come between us. No thing did. I envy the optimism you guys have. I wish i knew what you're thinking. Besides the fact you left, I still love everything about you. I neeeeeeeeeeeeed you back, badly. :(
EXAMS ARE OVER :) I know it's been said a billion times (unexaggerated) and SchoolCert. related groups have overtaken my facebook life, i'm free! Now that i have time on my hands, it's time to adopt a healthier lifestyle! That means dieting (i have low resistance...), exercise and um, i don't know, more exercise? (Lynda you just wait and see woman :L) I must say, running laps at school (by yourself) is embarrassing. So is crawling on all fours and making fail attempts to woof in front of the class == For some reason, time seems to fly even faster in peer support. Maybe its how we're doing a lot of prac stuff. Hehe. Omg. The new afghan dude is like another version of Yasin :L I stink like sweat, time to shower :L

another one of my insecurities...
push me aside, saying this and that. sure i may not be the best person when it comes to looking for comfort but at least i've tried. but now all you do. push me aside, away. don't ever expect me to come back. :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Somebody's Me | this freaking thing got so many songs stuck in my head --'
results of boredom

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag some friends.
5. Have fun.

Truely, Madly, Deeply - Cascada
i'll be your dream, i'll be your hope, i'll be your fantasy ~ 

The Other Side - Bruno Mars

Why You Up In Here - Flo Rida

Don't Wanna Be In Love - Ne-Yo

With Or Without You - Unknown

Not 2 Luv U - Ryan Tedder
this song is ghey.

Why Would I Ever - Sam Watters

Start Over - Elijah King
they wish they could start over and make a better kid :L

Shinier - Shawn Desman
i wish i were shinier (;

What's 2+2?
Ashamed - Alexx
ashamed cause i can't do math :L

Friends Forever - Vitamin C

My Bestfriend's Girlfriend - Sam Hook
... no comment >> 

Foolish Love - Big Bang

And I had you there - Frankie J
and you looked so beautiful~

Insomnia - Craig David
BAHAHAHAH totally related :L

Break It Off - Johnta Austin
gotta clear my head of you ~

6 Months, 8 Days, 12 Hours - Brian Mcknight
does that mean my hobby is missing someone o.o 
Indigo - Yiruma

Starting Today - Bruno Mars

Hallelujah - Big Bang
HALLELUJAH, i'm falling ~ 

Last Farewell - Big Bang

Somebody's Me - Enrique Iglesias

kim (:
ohsnap, our blog has an ICON (and a new layout)

click to view or JUST LOOK UP THERE ! :D
you've got a friend in me (:

You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead and you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed just remember what your old pal said.
Boy, you've got a friend in me
You've got troubles, well I've got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We stick together and we see it through.
You've got a friend in me
Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am. Bigger and stronger too maybe. But none of them will ever love you the way I do; it's me and you.

And as the years go by our friendship will never die. You're gonna see, it's our destiny: 
You've got a friend in me
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wish upon a grey cloud
It's fine with people around. You can easily merge into their smiles, laugh with them at their jokes and fool around as though even under the greyest cloud, the world remains a wonderful place. But it's once they disappear, do the unwanted feelings return. Once you are left walking alone with an unbounded mind and no distractions, you lose the cheerful atmosphere that's been hiding you all this time and suddenly, you do notice how gloomy the sky seems, how much the heat is weighing you down and as the leaves dance along in pace with the wind, how peculiarly disheartening this season called spring is. The road ahead becomes unclear. You're still on the right path, but Where exactly were you heading again? is the question. As you think, you are embraced by a set of cold arms. The touch sends a shiver down your spine. You stand dead still as it whispers in your ear; You can't hide forever. 

***This sounds so emo but i actually feel proud of my work :L I'm just feeling weird. Stupid weather. Blah.

Monday, November 8, 2010
don't want to.
insecurity. that feeling. worrying. something's gonna be taken away. don't want to. dream about it? don't want to. every night. nightmare. can't sleep. don't want to. please don't happen. i beg you. don't want it to come true. don't want it to. lonely? lost. taken over. taken away. right next to me. so close but far away. a thousand miles away. can't reach. blocked out. disappear. where am i? i don't know. don't want you. please don't say that. dream. don't want to. bad dream. go away. don't want you here. stupid. insecurity. can't explain. who to tell? no one. sorry. don't want to. i hate rain. brings back things. thoughts? everything. think about? i don't want to.
good luck people (:
OMG bruh, science was so easy! I didn't even need to study. 
well i'm sorry you're so smart. i found it hard okay ? i found it hard to even keep awake. Sure, it might've been easy for you but you don't need to spend a whole freaking day talking about how easy it was. some people didn't find it as easy as you. dumbass (or not) people like ME. ahwelps, science && english over. got maths, hist and geo. GOOD LUCK everyone :D hope you're all more motivated than I am and studying and getting good marks.

here's my present to you:

yeah, i think your eyes are bleeding now :L i'm sorry D: 

kim (: had no evil intentions ... >>
I really should be studying for Australian history/geo civics somecrap. But dear me, my excessive abundance of confidence today is refraining me from moving anywhere. It swelled up in me alllllllllll throughout the science exam. For the first hour i was just sitting there grinning like a lunatic thinking THIS IS SO DAMN EASY and IMA PWN ALL YOU BETCHES. Literally. Then without realising, i dazed off into my world of hopes and dreams and other ridiculous scenarios that before i knew it, i only had 30minutes left! And i wasn't even half way through short answers! Totally uncool.  

Sunday, November 7, 2010
the 'b' word ? :o

sitting around not knowing what to do ?
sitting around not bothered to find anything to do ?

would you call it boredom or an unbotheredness to do anything ?
i just feel really really bored these day :L
yeah, there's nothing much to blog about anymore.
Nothing significant is happening these days and i feel nothing these days :L
what to talk about ? i don't know ... 

Saturday, November 6, 2010
I love you. You love me. I'm as happy as can be.
The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Happy days. Even if it's rainy instead, the days still seem wonderful. I'll never forget the first time you said you love me. I'll never forget our first kiss. And I'll never forget the difference you made in my life or the difference I made in yours. You always make me smile with the sweet things you say and I hope for a long time, things will remain this way. I love talking to you on the phone just before I go to sleep, leaving a smile while I dream.

NYAAAAAA. The thrilling thought of going back to school again in 2 days with pages and pages of exams before me just makes me wanna go OHMYGASDFGHJKL. 3 paper cuts, half the time to study each day, a weeks miss of  revision,  Ms Harris's refusal to give me back my goddamn science exam... what more could i ask for from workexp.? Nah jokes, it wasn't that bad. I got to do reception work. Regardless of how much i sucked at speaking maturely to customers, my resume can finally sparkle a little. Hehe. And much thanks to those who did some flattering. I lov- i mean, i miss you too ^_^ SEE YOU ALL BEFORE ENGLISH EXAM.

It's like they just stood up and walked off, leaving me trapped in the same ditch that they had abandoned previously. Why, is it my turn now? To conquer something far beyond dragons and martians and endoftheworld disasters? Who would've thought, after years of amusing myself with my own abundance of optimism, that one day it would get taken away? That one day, i would become just like yo- them... I guess it's true when people say "Your surroundings shape you into who you are."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
picture this...
you're sitting in some high class restaurant enjoying your dinner, lunch, whatever it may be. you've just come back from a hard days of work (or in our case, school) so you wnr feel as relaxed as possible. you take in your food slowly. savour the flavour. you hear a sound, something soothing. Soft, jazzy music. you're mind is put at ease. FAR OUT I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE. D;

kim's list of things she dreams to do but may never end up doing.
NUMBER 1: piano in a restaurant.
the end (:
Monday, November 1, 2010
i love patrick (:

First day and i'm provided with my own little comfortably messy office for the week (she's on holiday leave apparently), my own computer, my own login account, my own company email and a new skype account (lucieee951) BUT no work, yet. The chief is too busy today for me. Hehe. So to pass time without seeming too dodgy, i refrained from logging onto msn and facebook and instead, downloaded like 50 ps brushes and started playing around on CS4. *Yawns. I think i may as well study.

go earlier | go later